Nov 12, 2009

Setting up a django project with Cherokee, uWSGI and vitualenv (continued)

In my previous post [1] I have started to talk about this stack but I have avoided to mention that the django project was indeed encapsulated into a virtualenv. This brought a couple small quirks and questions to the surface. So I spent some times investigating and exchanging with the community behind uWSGI and cherokee in order to solve them. The enhancements I discuss here require that you use the tip of uWSGI [2] because some of them are new capability added in the past days or small improvements to my recipe of using these products.

Before I start to dive into the enhancements let me sum up what we had to do in order to serve our WSGI project, in our case a django project.

1> I had to add 2 configurations files : uwsgi.conf,
The first one is an XML file where you define the PYTHONPATH and the mount point for your application, the second one is a python module where you define your WSGI configuration.

2> I had to use the cherokee's wizard to create the appropriate configuration to serve my django app using uWSGI. This step add an "Information Sources" with the following settings in the interpreter section :

/usr/local/bin/uwsgi -s /tmp/cherokee-source1.sock -C -x /opt/webapps/example-ve/src/project/uwsgi.conf
The first thing that can be improved in this recipe is that you can reduce the configuration to only one python module. This allows you to avoid the uwsgi.conf file. uWSGI comes with an option that allows you to directly specify a python module.

-w     name of wsgi config module (no ROCK_SOLID)
This would give us the following command :

uwsgi -s /tmp/cherokee-source1.sock -C -w project.django_wsgi
The django_wsgi file is very simple and looks like this :

import os
import django.core.handlers.wsgi

# Set the django settings and define the wsgi app
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'project.settings'
application = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler()

# Mount the application to the url
applications = {'/':'application', }
This is all good and simple but it only works if "project" is in the PYHTONPATH. I handle all my projects in a dedicated virtualenv. uWSGI handle this gracefully now, there is a new option that allows you to define your Python Home.

-H     set python home/virtualenv
Here it the improved settings for the interpreter section of the information sources :

uwsgi -s /tmp/cherokee-source1.sock -C -w project.django_wsgi -H /opt/webapps/example-ve

I would be glad to hear from you and very happy if you give this setup a spin on your django project and let me know how it performs compare to your actual setup.
